We use cypress (Taxodium distichum) for our products because
it has a moderate-high resistance to decay and insects, is easily worked, and
takes paints and stains well. Its beautiful, fine grain looks great in
formal or casual settings. When freshly milled, cypress has a blonde
color; once a clear varnish or stain is applied, it glows to a deep honey color
and any color paint or colored stain can be used as well. The natural
protective oil (cypressene) found in cypress give it an aromatic smell that
never fades.
Click here to read what the USDA Forest Research Service says about it.
For more information on Cypress as an American, Sustainable, and Carbon Neutral wood,
click here.
Cypress readily takes clear sealants, stains or paints. It
can also be left natural and it will take on a beautiful antique gray.
The USDA Forest Products Laboratory has some great wood finishing articles:
(You must have Adobe Reader to view them; click here to:
Get Adobe Reader)
Cypress Technical Information
Specific Gravity (>12% moisture content): .46
Density (lbs./ft.3): 31.4
Static Bending (Dry Lumber)
- modulus of rupture (lbs./in.2): 10,600
- modulus of elasticity (million psi): 1.44
- work to maximum load (in.-lbs./ft.3): 8.2
Impact Bending (Dry Lumber)
- height of drop causing complete failure (in.): 24
Compression Parallel to Grain (Dry Lumber)
- maximum crushing strength (lbs./in.2): 6,360
Compression Perpendicular to Grain (Dry Lumber)
- fiber stress at proportional limit (lbs./in.2): 730
Tension Perpendicular to Grain (Dry Lumber)
- maximum tensile strength (lbs./in.2): 270
Shear Parallel to Grain (Dry Lumber)
- maximum shearing strength (lbs./in.2): 1000
Side Hardness
- load required to embed a .444 ball to 1/2 diameter (lbs.): 510
Flame Spread Rating: 145-150